Top 5- Most Requested Pediatric Dental Procedures Series…

18 Oct
Welcome to the first post in our new blog series: Most Requested Pediatric Dental Procedures

#1- Regular Dental Check-up

Drs. Chinmay and Rupal Dave take a comprehensive approach to dental health by treating all aspects of the mouth: teeth, soft tissue, jaw, and bite alignment. By taking the time to understand each child’s mouth, the doctors are able to map out a plan to improve the overall health and smile of your child.

Once the child is seated in the chair of the operatory, they are talked through what to expect in a fun and engaging way. As the dental exam begins, their dental development  is assessed for crowding, calcium deposits, tooth decay, gum disease (periodontitis), TMJ, and prolonged problems like thumb-sucking.

Children’s mouths change rapidly with growth and they need x-rays more often than adults. Kids who are at a high risk of tooth decay should have x-rays done every 6-months, low risk require the procedure less frequently. X-rays are one of the most powerful tools dentist have for early detection. When dental problems are found early, care is much more comfortable and cost is much more affordable.

Teeth are then cleaned, polished, and fluoride is applied as needed. Our visits always conclude with a chat about how healthy diets help keep their teeth healthy.

If your child is over one year old, we encourage you to take them to the dentist!

Dentistry For Life
(817) 741-0045
900 S. Main St., Ste. 360
Keller, Texas 76248

Follow Jessica as she starts Invisalign!

2 Oct

Hey Guys! My name is Jessica and I’m an assistant at Dentistry for Life! I recently got Invisalign because I had some crowding and my bite was off! I’m so excited to actually go through this process personally because I have seen such great results with our patients that have gone through it! So I decided to start a blog and put up pictures so you can follow my exciting journey with Invisalign! I will post before and after pictures but also pictures every time I switch my aligners which will be every 2 weeks! I have been in Invisalign for about a week now and although it took me about 3 days to adjust to something being in my mouth for 22 hours a day, I can truly say I don’t even notice them anymore! And one of the huge perks to this great orthodontic solution is that no one ever knows I’m wearing them!! I’m very excited to see my end results and I hope you all can learn at least one thing from this blog! I will be honest and open to how this process works and hope you guys are as excited as I am! We have FREE   Invisalign consultations at our office! All you have to do is book an appt with Johanna or Carla! Give us a call if you are interested in Invisalign and see what it can do for YOU! Stay tuned for updates and pictures from me!


Before shot

With my aligners in!

Choosing the right toothpaste for your family

17 Sep

What should someone look for when selecting a toothpaste?

Fluoride content, if you are prone to mouth sores then look for one that doesn’t have SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate)

What should someone avoid when purchasing toothpaste?

Do you like gel toothpaste? Gel type toothpaste typically have more water in them which depends on flavor.

Does flavor play a factor in how effective a toothpaste is?

If you don’t like a flavor chances are you will rush through your routine. So, in a way, yes get a flavor you like!

Which toothpaste do you use & why?

Plain fluoride toothpaste, so you can’t whiten your teeth unless you have it smeared across your teeth to oxidize and lift the stain. Gritty, more abrasive type toothpaste  can scratch your enamel overtime, as well as cause tooth sensitivity. Also, there is no toothpaste that will remove tarter. Its the hard stuff hygienist remove from your mouth, so don’t forget to go in for your cleanings regularly.

Dr. Chinmay Dave & Dr.Rupal Dave
(817) 741-0045
900 South Main Street Suite 360
Keller, Texas 76248

Find out how wine effects your teeth

29 Aug wine, cheese, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, bread, salt and pepper on wooden chopping block

How does wine affect teeth and oral hygiene?

Acid content and color of the wine are two things to consider. The most common side effect is staining, but what you don’t see is the effects of the acid on the Fluoride rich layer.

If you’re going to indulge, what types of wine should be avoided?

It isn’t how much, but how often necessarily. Longer exposure to acid and dark wines will lead to a quarter probabilities is more exposure to the acids of wine.

What should you look for when choosing a wine?

Its color tends to be less staining. It isn’t clear if the acid content changes based on the type of grapes used. White sweet wines like Moscatos are an office favorite! Pairing cheese with wine helps bring out the flavor of what you’re drinking. Dairy products are great at raising pH levels in the mouth too. If you notice more stains from dark wines consider using an electric toothbrush and getting your teeth cleaned more often.

Dr. Chinmay & Dr. Rupal Dave
(817) 741-0045
900 South Main Street Suite 360
Keller, Texas 76248

How much soda is too much? Get the facts about soda and your teeth

6 Aug

How does soda affect teeth and oral hygiene?

The amount of acid content, as well as sugar, in soda breakdown the enamel by lowering the pH levels in your mouth. This allows your teeth to absorb the bacteria.

How much soda is too much?

It is not how much. It’s how often or the amount of time your teeth are exposed is more critical than how much. Teeth typically can handle short durations of acidity but hours on end will break them down faster.

Are there healthy habits for heavy soda drinkers?

There is no healthy soda, but if you must, you should limit your time of exposure. One way to do this is is by having only one soda with your meal.  We don’t always drink soda, but when we do, we chug a root beer!

If you Google pictures of “Dr. Pepper mouth” you will experience extreme visual cases of soda damage. Dr. Pepper is the most noted soda that effects your mouth that looks just like people who use  meth-amphetamines.


Dr. ChinmayDr. Rupal Dave
(817) 741-0045
900 South Main Street Suite 360
Keller, Texas 76248 (Map)

Dentistry4Life: Donation Location for Project Warm

17 Oct

We, at Dentistry for Life, are SUPER EXCITED to be a Donation Location for Project WarmDentistry For Life in Keller, Texas. Dentist open on select Saturdays
We are currently collecting New or Gently used coats or blankets for the homeless in Dallas, Tx. Any size or gender, adults or kids- it doesn’t matter!! Anything you have around the house you don’t need anymore- Don’t forget the BLANKETS! We need them all!

Suggestions: If you see some at Goodwill or a yard sale that look gently used, feel free to bring those too!

Collection will be through

November 21st, 2011

For further information please check out the website:
Last request, please pass this information along to anyone you think that could help!

We appreciate all you do for the community!!

Dentistry For Life
(817) 741-0045 
900 South Main Street Suite 360 
Keller, Texas 76248 (map)
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Appointment by request only


Breaking News! now announcing select Saturday hours…

27 Sep

Dentistry for Life is now offering Select Saturday hours!!!
After speaking with many of our working patients in regards to this economy and the effects the stress is having, the request was to offer a few Saturdays to offset the stress of taking off work. Dentistry For Life in Keller, Texas. Dentist open on select Saturdays
With this information Dr. Dave will be offering the following Saturdays from 8 am-12 pm for cleanings and doctor appointments.
• October 15
• November 5
• November 12
• December 3
• December 17
If you would like to schedule, please call us at 817-741-0045 and speak to Johanna or Carla for details and restrictions.

Dental Implant Video (Keller, Texas 76248)

8 Sep

Dentistry For Life

A dental implant is made of titanium and “root shaped”  they are placed in the jawbone and can eliminate partial plates and dentures. With success rate very high, implants have become the dentistry standard for addressing missing teeth. The investment is worth it!


  • Feel & act like real teeth
  • Eat and chew without pain or irritation
  • No denture glue to mess with
  • Help maintain bone structure

 Watch the video!

Mailing address:
(817) 741-0045 
(817) 741-0046 
900 South Main Street Suite 360 
Keller, Texas 76248 (map)
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Appointment by request only